I Hate You, You Stupid Flower

I am full of love for the New Wave.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Vortex of Black and Blue

Two fortnights have past since my big toe was smashed by the sliding keyboard-holder on my desk. In a drunken stupor - drunk on spirits, or drunk on the spirit of life? - I pulled out my keyboard and it kissed my toe with the bloody smooch of pain. The pain subsided with time, as all pain will be washed away with the rains of time - or shall I say the reign of time? - but the black and blue mark it left across my toenail remains.

Black and blue, black and blue...blue and black. I now realize my toe is marked with a bruise that is nothing less than the bruise of this life we are forced to lead. The blue of the vast chaotic ocean, the blue of a broken heart, the blue of a succulent berry begging to be consumed. That blue is the depression that lingers in our lives, that hangs over our head. And the black - need I say it, could it be any clearer? The endless black vortex that is Father Time and that all must dissolve into. The empty black that surrounding our painfully small, fragile blue world - the black that will one day swallow this planet. It is the black of our only promise for the future: expansive, unthinking, neverending black.

Only now do I realize that the Fates willed this toe so that I may understand the vast emptiness of existence is centered around the big toe on my left foot. God! Give me the toenail clipper! I wish to end it....


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